We are seeing much needed healthcare reform in progress not only when we turn on the television. I have a couple of updates as they relate to Reiki, and yes, you can be an active participate.
1. I was invited to become an ACEP (Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology) CE provider, listed on their website at http://www.energypsych.org/ I discovered this organization through Dr. George Pratt, Chair of the Psychology Dept. at Scripps Medical Center in La Jolla, CA. George was among several healthcare professionals who enrolled in my Reiki classes last year in San Diego, which resulted in Reiki Master Teacher (RMT) in January 2009. It is always thrilling for me to train healthcare professionals who have a deep appreciation for Reiki, and we will certainly see this appreciation continue to grow. For those of you who are mental health professionals, ACEP might be of great interest to you so please check it out.
2. Pamela Miles informed me last week:
"Last week was HUGE for integrative health care, with two groundbreaking events in Washington, DC. The Summit on Integrative Medicine and Public Health was cohosted by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Bravewell Collaborative. While that was happening, physicians Andrew Weil, Mehmet Oz, Dean Ornish, and Mark Hyman testified before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. The meeting was led by long time integrative health care advocates Senators Tom Harkin (IA) and Barbara Mikulski (MD). You can watch some of the summit by clicking here or access the presentation slides here. The Senate committee meeting can be viewed here.
There is much to celebrate in these meetings, a level of savvy and wisdom regarding health care that is unprecedented. Reiki was specifically mentioned twice. One of the summit's planners, Elizabeth Goldblatt, PhD, listed yoga teachers and Reiki teachers among the health care professionals who are involved in wellness and self-care. And Mehmet Oz, dubbed the "surgeon general of the airwaves" by Sen. Mikulski, mentioned Reiki in the O.R. when testifying to the Senate committee.
Let's take this powerful opportunity to co-create integrative health care. Contact your senators and representatives. Ask them to truly reform our system to promote health and wellness, rather than only managing disease. Sen. Harkin specifically requested that the American public do this. Our legislators need to know that we want to create a culture of wellness."
I have always loved the words of Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Aren't these changes absolutely wonderful?
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