Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Newsletter XXI - A Tribute to Fran Brown

Dearest Friends:

Mrs. Hawayo Takata’s 7th Reiki Master, Fran Brown, transitioned on April 12, 2009. She had just celebrated her 85th birthday. I am sorry I didn’t realize this sooner and did so because I was going to make a follow-up phone call to her. She and I had talked about her coming to Salt Lake City to talk with my students about Mrs. Takata as she had known her. Fran wasn’t going to charge a fee, telling me that she was always willing to talk about Reiki when it was requested of her. She only asked that her husband travel with her because of age. Fortunately, because of conversations I had with Fran on the phone, I share some of her comments in my forthcoming book, HEALING POWER BEYOND MEDICINE, which will be published in 2010 by O-Books.

The autobiographical information that Fran shared with the world is as follows:
“The winter of 1973 Hawayo Takata was invited to the San Francisco Bay Area to teach a class in Reiki. I was in that class. She taught Reiki to many people here. In 1977 I took Second Degree Reiki and in the first week of January, 1979 I took my master's training with her as her seventh master and began teaching Reiki anywhere people want to learn Reiki as taught by Hayashi and Takata. These thirty years of teaching have taken me to many parts of the world. In 1997 I was asked to come to Japan and teach Hayashi's system and in 1999 it was my privilege to meet with members of the group founded by Usui as well as students and masters taught by Chujiro Hayashi. We compared teachings and initiations and were delighted to find them to be similar. Hayashi organized the hand placements taught by Usui so that it was easier to teach Reiki. Takata says that he never changed any of the teachings and asked her not to change them either, nor have I.” Fran attuned 22 of her students to Mastership and retrained 15 other students to be Masters, for a total of 37 Masters. Her book LIVING REIKI: TAKATA’S TEACHINGS is on my student recommended reading list.
Another great one has passed—one who was as devoted to Reiki as Mrs. Takata. Let us celebrate that devotion and her life with such gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely story and such a special lady, thanks for sharing Carol
